Andrej Jokić (University of Zagreb)
Marko Švaco (University of Zagreb)
Tadej Bajd (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Ante Bakić (Inetec, Lučko)
Ricardo Branco (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Bojan Jerbić (University of Zagreb)
Zlatko Katalenić (Robotics, Novo Mesto, Slovenia)
Igor Kotenko (St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, Russia)
Zdenko Kovačić (University of Zagreb)
Danica Kragić Jensfelt (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
Duc Truong Pham (University of Birmingham, UK)
Vincenzo Piuri (University of Milan, Italy)
Ioan Sacala (University of Bucharest, Romania)
Bruno Siciliano (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
Karolj Skala (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb)
Uroš Janez Stanič (Biomedical Research Institute - BRIS, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Zorislav Šojat (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb)
Integrated Path Tracking, and Control of a Fixed Wing UAV Based on Dual Quaternion Parameterized Dynamics
S. Kimathi, B. Lantos
Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Vehicle Path Following
V. Diklić, B. Novoselnik
Application of a Time-Varying Linear Quadratic Controller for Trajectory Tracking of a Four-Wheel Mobile Robot with Independent Steering and Drive
B. Ćaran, N. Škifić, V. Milić, M. Švaco
An Integrated Approach to Robotic Joint Interpolation: Kinematic Modeling and Constraints for Smooth Trajectories
L.A. Orbegoso Moreno, E.D. Valverde Ramírez, J.L. Ruíz Rodríguez, I.D. Miñano Corro
Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Controllers on a Mechatronic System
L. Patrlj, B. Novoselnik, M. Baotić
Performance Evaluation of a MEMS Compact Electrostatic Microgripper Equipped with Rotary Comb Drives and Curved Flexure Hinges
L. Giannini, A. Buzzin, G. Bocchetta, R. Asquini, A. Scorza, G. de Cesare, N.P. Belfiore
Small Surface Vessel for Multi-Robot Systems Education
D. Dubinović, L. Roy Sabolić, N. Borzić, Đ. Nađ
Simulator for UAV Localization and Navigation in Various GPS-Denied Scenarios
M. Orić, F. Novoselnik, V. Galić
Comparative Analysis of Topology Optimization Platforms for Additively Manufactured 6 DOF Robot Arms
L. Meštrić, P. Ćurković
LiDAR-Based SLAM in a 2D Simulated Environment
J. Maltar, D. Ševerdija